This research is conducted to analyze the effect of ethanol extract of daruju root (A.Illiciofolius L ) on the mice hepatocyte which is induced by carbon tetrachloride. Ethanol extract of daruju root is fed to the mice with 250 mg/kg, 1000 mg/kg, and 4000 mg/kg weight dosage in 7days. On day 8, the mice sample is fed carbon tetrachloride which is dissolved in olive oil with 2ml/kg weight dosage. As negative control, the mice are fed aquades in 7 days and on days 8, olive oil is given. Meanwhile, as positive control, mice are fed aquades in 7 days and on days 8, carbon tetrachloride is given. Measured parameter in this research is Serum Glutamat Piruvat Transaminase (SGPT), diameter vena sentralis, Glutation Perroksidase (GSH- Px) and Malonildialdehid (MDA). On day 11, all mice are executed and the blood is taken by means of heart puncture.The statistic analysis shows that there is treatment effect toward SGPT activities increasing on 1000mg/kg weight dosage of ethanol extract of daruju root. In diameter vena sentralis, there is significant different between negative control treatment and all treatments. Positive control is significantly different with the treatment of 250 mg/kg, 1000 mg/kg, and 4000 mg/kg of ethanol extract of daruju root. But the difference doesn?t occur between the treatment of 1000 mg/kg and 4000 mg/kg of ethanol extract of akar daruju. There is no treatment effect on the activity of Glutation Peroksidase and MDA.