Malaria is still a health problem. In donggala District malaria ranked the third of ten main diseases. Tulo village is one of endemic village in Dolo sub district that as AMI for consecutive year of 2000-2004 are 26.15/mil, 18.22/mil and 13.53/mil respectively. The objective of this study was to know the biting pattern of A. barbirostris in Tulo village sub district of Dolo, Donggala district. An entomological survey and environmental observation were conducted for 6 mounths (May-October). Entomology sorvey revealed there were 7 spesies of Anopheles (A. barbirostris, A. nigerimus, A. paragensis, A. vagus, A. tesselatus, A. indefinitus, A. aconitus). An. barbirostris was malaria vector that stars to bite at 20.00 - 02.00 and it probed to bite at eksofagik situation. The habitat of A. barbirostris was in unwell managed lowland and fish pond. The effort to slave this problem are the cooperation between agricultural and fishery sectors, arranging animal cages and extention of malaria.